Five-year development story

What is "THEO," a baumkuchen AI craftsman?

THEO is a baumkuchen AI craftsman developed by Uheim Co.
The baking process is analyzed by image sensors for each layer of dough baked by artisans, and the technology is converted into data by AI through machine learning, enabling unattended baking of baumkuchen at the same level as artisans.

Feeding Sweets to South African Children
To a world where anyone can enjoy freshly baked baumkuchen anytime, anywhere.
Teaching skills to THEOs makes craftspeople more creative.
If local materials and craftsmanship are combined,
The world's pastry making becomes richer -
If only the artisans who created the recipes could receive their royalties directly,
Craftsmen's talents will grow more or talented craftsmen will be discovered. -
The more artisans around the world are connected, the more peaceful the world will be.
Even South African children can easily open a store.

Obtain a special resident certificate for Kobe City Chuo Ward

On February 27, 2023, UHEIM Co., Ltd. concluded a business collaboration agreement with the City of Kobe regarding industrial promotion through the promotion of the appeal of sweets.
The baumkuchen AI craftsman "THEO" became the first AI craftsman in Kobe City to receive a special certificate of residence.
*Special residents are not based on the Basic Resident Registration Act.